Wednesday, February 9, 2011


I cannot believe that in less than 48 hours Drew and I will be on a plane to....Colorado! Haha! We have a few change-overs so we will be going to Denver, then Miami, then Montego Bay, then taking a taxi to Ocho Rios. All the traveling will definitely be worth it once we are in our hotel room!!! I am so excited!!! We are doing all our packing in one fell swoop tomorrow night. And I will be bringing my camera, my nice Canon Rebel camera, and the video camera Drew bought us for the trip! So there will be plenty of documentation of our trip to share with everyone when we get back!!

I've been working on a few videos lately but haven't finished one yet so I'm hoping to finish one tonight or tomorrow night and post it before we go!

I'm so glad we are taking this trip over Valentine's Day! I HATE Valentine's Day!! If you have to have one specific day to tell someone you love them, then you musn't love them all that much. What Valentine's Day represents is every day to me. I tell my boyfriend every day that I love him and how much he means to me. I don't need one specific day to do that. Drew and I don't celebrate Valentine's Day other than maybe getting each other a card or something like that and that is the most we do. I would much rather get flowers as a surprise on a random day than overly cliche red roses on Valentine's Day when every other girl is getting them as well. This is just my opinion of course and I know many many other girls love this day of the year, but as for me, I'm way over it!

Moving on!  As soon as Drew and I get back from our trip I will be able to finish my organizational video!!! I finally got my last piece about a week ago. I have one more thing I need to figure out before I can make the video but I'm pretty much all good to go with it! I'm excited to do this one because for a while there I was at a total loss on what to do with all my makeup and hair accessories and jewelry and such! I'm hoping my organizational tips will help other girls (and/or guys) out there to get their stuff organized! It just makes me feel better about my living space and is a bit of a stress reliever to have everything in its place and put away. Now if only my scrapbooking room was as organized! Hopefully that will happen next! :P

As much as I hate this holiday, I do hope everyone has a great Valentine's Day and I will catch up with everyone when I get back from Jamaica!!!!

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